Bridging Tutorial
By: Viper3773
Before you learn how to bridge, you need to have a couple things…
1. Two Ethernet (Internet) Connections on your PC. Note that most PC’s don’t
have two so you have to either buy a USB to Ethernet Adapter ($30) or buy and install a Ethernet Card. ($25 with out install)
2. You need to have a crossover cable from your PC to XBOX.
3. You need to download Zone Alarm Pro at When you install use this serial number to get the full version: dt733-v6mci-079e9-
4. You need to download Commview at
First make sure that your modem is up and running have your pc and your modem
connected and your xbox and pc connected.
Goto Start/Control Panel/Network Connections. Now if you did the above step right you should see both your PC connection and
your Xbox Connection.
Now highlight both of your connections and right click them and click bridge.
Now you have them bridged but you are not done. Make sure you can connect to xbox live.
Now that you have that done open ZoneAlarm Pro (ZAP) Goto and find out your IP. Copy it. Now goto the tabs and click firewall on the side and
zones on the top. Goto the bottom and add click add a host/site. Make sure you make it trusted and for the host name paste
in your IP. Click OK. Add Bungie’s and Xbox Live’s IP. Too find this out open commview and find your bridged connection
and click the play botton. Look at the ports listing. Any port under 3074 is from live. The IPs that you need to add
Name these xbox, xbox1, xbox2.
Have the friend you are boosting make his own party. Join Him with both firewalls
on low. Now goto commview and clear it. Look at what you are getting from 3074. This is probably one of your friends IP. If
you are not sure have him goto Now add him as trusted. Turn your top firewall on HIGH and make sure your bottom
firewall is on low. This should bridge your friend host 100% of the time. Have Fun Bridging.
~You have to have both your xbox and internet connection directly hard wired into
your pc.
~There isn’t a specific location that someone’s IP may come up as.
Use the one that is not repeating. The repeating one may look something like this: or something.
~You won’t be able to here anyone in a game if they are not on your trusted
list when your top firewall is on high.
~Make sure you click APPLY every time you add/delete someone’s IP from your
zones tab.
~If you can’t bridge go one ZAP and goto zones and find your bridged connection.
If it is under ‘Network’ right click it and change it to ‘Internet’
~The IPs that you need to add are:;;
~If your pal that you bridged leaves for any reason, you will get lagged out unless
your firewall isn't on high
~I don’t bridge to cheat I mainly bridge a pal host to prevent getting cheated
~Don’t abuse this anti-mod system.
You can also use ZAP to boot people IF you are host. Find the IP of the person
you want to boot with commview. Now add them to your zones sections and make them Blocked. Click Apply. Now you should go
into blue screen and they should be gone.
This tutorial is copyrighted by Viper3773 at This tutorial was written solely by the writer alone from his experience.
Please email me with any questions